Time flies when you’re having fun. Nine years ago I married my PA high school sweetheart in the middle of a beautiful upstate NY snowstorm. A day later we flew to our honeymoon and a week later we moved to NC. It was a whirlwind then, but I wouldn’t change any of it.
Nine years, and we’ve never looked back. Many trials and two kids later, I’m happy and blessed and more in love than the day we met (in the back row of Mrs. Miller’s 11th grade health class).
On our wedding we got many wonderful gifts, cards, and well-wishes. However, the one that has stuck with me the most is a card with an essay from Barbara Cage. Each year I read back over this card and realize how much more true it all is with each and every passing day.
I hope this will bring you the same joyful encouragement it does to me all these years later.