I said I’d be back to continue the updates on my little Squish and her delays, and then, well, life got in the way! But here I am, AGAIN, with more updates. (Check out the rest of this series here, here, and here.) If you find any of these posts helpful, as always PLEASE leave a comment. It helps me and other readers so much! If you have more questions or want to talk closer, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Last I left off, Olivia was 11 months old and in 4 regular therapies: Physical Therapy (45 mins weekly), Occupational Therapy (45 minutes weekly), Speech Therapy (30 mins every other week) alternating with Feeding Therapy (30 mins every other week). Busy? Who, me?! Understatement of the year, but I digress. Since then she’s been busy meeting milestone and inchstone one after the other, like an actual hero. Read on for long and long overdue update.