I’m so excited to have my hilarious friend Ashley share a snippet of her life with two kids as my first Guest Post! Any moms out there can totally relate to this kind of day, where it seems nothing is going right, and you either laugh or cry about it.
Staying at home with young kids is a sitcom waiting to write itself for most moms (or dads) but this past Wednesday was the epitome of that. It started off like any ol’ regular day: me pretending my almost 3-year-old (who is clearly up) will go back to sleep as I lie in bed and muster up any/all energy to get up, drinking coffee as my 11-month-old screeches and throws every breakfast food off her tray on the floor for the dog…you know, the regular.
Also Known As, “The Day I Flooded the Laundry Room and Broke My Husband’s Toe”
I’ve always been easily distractible, but being the mom of a 27-month old and a 2-week old bumped me into a whole new level of distractible. I call it “momnesia.” I think I took for granted how good I’m feeling: getting decent sleep at night for having a newborn, not in pain or feeling too uncomfortable, and generally in good spirits (contrasting birth and postpartum stories to come). The newborn is so chill and besides some (understandable) jealousy, my toddler is the same amount of work as before.
Hi there, I’m Caitlin: mama bear, joy-seeker, daughter of the King, and wife! I’m from upstate NY, but now we live in NC. In addition to being a stay at home mom, I’m an avid DIY crafter, volunteer, disciple, and village-builder. My mission here is to bring you some encouragement along the journey of motherhood through my faith, foibles, and failures as I bumble and stumble along the path of life as a woman, wife, and mom of little kids.