We’re a third of the way through “Let’s March,” an easy 31-day workout campaign. If you’re like me and you hate working out, if you’ve stuck with us thus far, this in and of itself is quite a milestone.

If you need to be encouraged, let me tell you that when I first started this I could not do a wall sit for longer than 15 seconds, and now I can make it a full minute! So, it doesn’t take long to build strength and notice progress. I’m also finding I don’t mind being sore the next day, because it means that I’m working muscles and that makes me feel accomplished.

I look forward to the longer yoga circuits for the stretching they provide as well as encouraging good core strength. I found this yoga circuit to be particularly challenging (Level 1: embarrassing? Perhaps!) as I recently discovered I have ZERO flexibility.

If you’re still with us, or if you’d like to join in now, for the weekdays we are spelling the date (ELEVEN, TWELVE, etc) using one of the following plans:

March Workout - Spell Your Name Challenge

Every once in a while we switch it up with some yoga videos or a funny spelling of a number, name, or something like that. Once I was in a bad mood so I picked the letters of a not-nice word and did that workout. Not my finest moment, but I was working out, so hopefully it still counts.

That’s pretty much it! Let me know how you’re doing in the comments below. March on, mamas!