No bunny loves you like Jesus. And don’t you EVER forget that!
We started our day off with a neighborhood Easter egg hunt. What’s better than candy for breakfast?! (Nothing.)
It was supposed to begin at 9am, and we arrived at 9:05…late, to be fair, but there were about 30 kids and their parents, and NO EGGS LEFT! Thankfully some other parents were aware and stealthy in the recycling of eggs from their children’s full baskets and kindly threw some back for my kids to “find” (and we weren’t the last ones)!
They did a jellybean jar counting contest (like where you guess how many are in the jar and the winner is whoever gets closest without going over), and the best part of all was getting to meet some “new” neighbors while we all enjoyed the warm sunshine. And the field wasn’t too muddy, either!
A win all around!
Easter is coming, and I’m so excited to be able to wear these shirts from @brave.littleones again this year. Now, tell me: what are some of your favorite traditions for Easter in your family? Last year we did matching dresses, baskets of candy and books, and church as a family.