I’ve been absent lately—please forgive me, dear readers! This time of year brings with it seasonal depression and a bit of chaos, but I’m here! There’s lots of life updates to come, including progress on therapies for our youngest, school for the big kids, and more.

Until then, welcome to my favorite season! My love for Christmas and Advent grows each year. It’s the change in seasons, the anticipation, the lesson of waiting, the reminder of faith. It’s socially acceptable to light up the house and tree, and to sing Christmas songs for bedtime lullabies.
In years past, when my bandwidth was a bit more, I did lots with my kids (or rather, I STARTED lots, if I didn’t finish them!), and luckily for YOU I’ve got my favorites linked right here! Take what you will, share what you like, and remember sometimes simple is best.
Advents of Yore:
Last Minute Crafts (& A Favorite Recipe)
Holiday Joy for the Grieving Parent
Our church gave out Family Advent resource books from Lifeway.kids this year; we haven’t tried them yet but I love the simplicity!
I slipped a few in that aren’t just Advent resources, but which might still be helpful to you or a friend this time of year. Enjoy, and most importantly try to remember the reason for this season!