To homeschool or not to homeschool? That was the question. Just one short (or long, depending on who you ask) year ago, I announced I was pursuing a long-held dream of homeschooling. #thankspandemic! A lot has transpired since, and we’re all overdue for a more in-depth update on our school situation.
This post has been mulling around in my head for a while, saved as a draft for weeks, as yet another pregnancy announcement has come. Spring is a time for new beginnings, fresh growth, and the celebration of new life. I so get it! I love pregnancy, I’ve been through a few myself, but even so, I really think we need some education on the appropriateness of the question “are you pregnant?” and it’s variants. I know that some will feel their feathers being ruffled by my words, feel defensive, or offer an explanation/apology–but please hear me out, you apologizing to me is not the goal.
Back in the fall, we made the unpopular decision to bring our two children, then 1 and 3, to a funeral. I say unpopular because none of us were really sure about how my older one would do with seeing an open casket, not remembering she’d met her before, and then seeing a lot of relatives and adults crying.
Hi there, I’m Caitlin: mama bear, joy-seeker, daughter of the King, and wife! I’m from upstate NY, but now we live in NC. In addition to being a stay at home mom, I’m an avid DIY crafter, volunteer, disciple, and village-builder. My mission here is to bring you some encouragement along the journey of motherhood through my faith, foibles, and failures as I bumble and stumble along the path of life as a woman, wife, and mom of little kids.